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Undergraduate goes around the world

Posted 9:42 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 6, 2018

A market near Quincey Anderson’s residence hall while studying in Ghana.  
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A market near Quincey Anderson’s residence hall while studying in Ghana. Read more →

Student shares a study abroad exploration of three countries in photos.

A study abroad exploration of countries in photos

In the last five months, UWL senior Quincey Anderson has walked on four continents and flown around the globe once. The Wisconsin native says what started as a yearning for a change of scenery, ended with spending a quarter of her undergraduate years living in three different countries (as well as side trips along the way). She studied abroad in Prague, Czech Republic; Seoul, South Korea; and Accra, Ghana — all the while earning credit toward her major in economics and minor in sociology and international studies. Students interested in studying abroad can visit the study abroad fair from 10 a.m.- 2 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 6., at the Bluffs, Student Union, or attend a Study Abroad 101 information session at 4 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 8 or Thursday, Feb. 15 in 1209 Centennial Hall. Learn more on the International Education & Engagement website. Here is Anderson’s journey in photos. [caption id="attachment_51023" align="alignnone" width="684"]Image of sky view of Prague. Prague, Czech Republic. Spring 2016.[/caption] Day one … with only her luggage. It was her first time out of the country. Anderson’s flight arrived early for her semester-long study abroad program at the University of Economics. As her taxi sped off down the street, she realized she was alone in an unfamiliar place with 45 minutes to spare. Instead of fretting, Anderson picked up her luggage and took a tour down the street to treat herself to a cup of soup. “Things may get crazy … but you just have to roll with it and keep going,” says Anderson. [caption id="attachment_51026" align="alignnone" width="685"]Image of the rolled pastry in someone's hand. Prague, Czech Republic. Spring 2016.[/caption] On trying something new One of her favorite parts of being abroad was trying new foods. Here Anderson is about to dig into a “very delicious” Czech pastry, trdelnik, in the Old Town Square in Prague. [caption id="attachment_51028" align="alignnone" width="684"]Image of Quincey Anderson in her Taekwondo class posing with the instructor. Seoul, South Korea. Summer 2017.[/caption] On meeting people Anderson with her Taekwondo instructor. She took the lesson in addition to studying Korean politics and culture the summer before senior year at Hansung University. She met many friendly faces in and outside of class. “… it shows you that the world is very small and people are just people no matter what language they speak.” [caption id="attachment_51030" align="alignnone" width="685"]Image of Quincey Anderson sitting by the 120-year-old community member in Ghana. Accra, Ghana. Fall 2017.[/caption] On learning languages Anderson says one of the greatest culture shocks was seeing signs everywhere in another language. She didn’t know any of the languages of any country she studied in. But in each country she made sure to learn the basics: hello, goodbye, how are you?, my name is …, etc. “It’s fun to try and speak the languages,” she says. “The locals and local students all really appreciate it and encourage you just for trying.” Here she took a trip to a community in the northern region of Ghana where she met a chief, pictured here, who the people said was 120 years old. [caption id="attachment_51032" align="alignnone" width="685"]Image of pink sky with shadows of trees and dark purple clouds overhead. Accra, Ghana. Fall 2017.[/caption] On taking it all in Anderson’s final semester abroad was studying sociology at the University of Ghana-Legon. Such a beautiful view was not uncommon in the city. “Studying abroad opens your mind and lets you see so many more things are possible in the world than what you know,” she says.


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