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Campus Connection, Sept. 17, 2012

Posted 12:52 p.m. Monday, Sept. 17, 2012

This week's news and events.

U.S.News: UW-L still the top-ranked UW System comprehensive university

UW-La Crosse remains the top-ranked comprehensive university in the UW System — for the 12th year in a row. U.S.News & World Report’s 2013 America’s Best Colleges list of Best Regional Universities in the Midwest lists UW-L as the state’s best and the No. 4 public university in the Midwest. The category includes institutions providing a full range of undergraduate majors and master’s programs.

Five to be inducted into Athletic Wall of Fame Oct. 7

Five UW-L alumni will be inducted into UW-L’s Athletic Wall of Fame Sunday, Oct. 7. The 2012 inductees are John E. Mielke Jr., ’83, Basketball; Julie (Waterhouse) Regan, ’99, Swimming; Norris Thomas, ’93, Football & Track; Jennifer (Tischaefer) Ignacio, ’01, Soccer; and Larry Terry, ’77, Coach. The event includes a reception beginning at 10 a.m., a brunch at 10:30 and the induction ceremony at 11 in Valhalla, Cartwright Center-Gunning Addition.

Constitution Day lecture Sept. 17 focuses on politics of the document

UW-La Crosse will celebrate Constitution Day with a lecture about the politics of the Constitution at 7 p.m. Monday, Sept. 17, in the Hall of Nations, Centennial Hall.

Chancellor’s band takes the stage Sept. 21 to play music in the name of peace

Get ready to rock at a UW-L block party Friday, Sept. 21, in the name of peace. UW-L Chancellor Joe Gow and his high-energy band, the FurLow Riders, will play a celebratory Peace Day concert from 8-9:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 21. The concert is the grand finale to UW-L’s celebration of “Peace One Day Week,” Sept. 17-21.

Theatre performance questions power, gender expression

Interested in gender, gender expression and power in our culture? UW-L’s performance project “Fulcrum: An Interrogation of Power” explores these issues and more. Presentations are set for 3:30 p.m. and 6 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 21, in the Frederick Theatre in Morris Hall.

September 11 — a day of remembrance and giving

  [caption id="attachment_14902" align="alignnone" width="770" caption="UW-La Crosse College Republicans put 3,000 U.S. flags in a semi-circle north of Wittich Hall to commemorate 9/11 and to honor those who died Sept. 11, 2001. "]Photo of students putting out flags. [/caption] [caption id="attachment_14896" align="alignnone" width="770" caption="On Sept. 11, a group of UW-L classified staff and AFSME Local 1449 union members purchased food and delivered it to UW-L's Helping Our Own Food Pantry. From left, Tim Miller, Recreational Eagle Center; Tom Fell, Maintenance and Stores; Jim Treu, Information Technology; Rob Hamann, Cartwright Center General Operations; and Karry Auby, Mathematics. "]Five people in food pantry with donations of food. [/caption] UW-L classified staff volunteered last November to repair some of the light sets for La Crosse's annual Rotary Lights at La Crosse's Riverside Park event. Last year, 2.6 million lights were used in the annual holiday light extravaganza. Visitors to the park donated 225,000 nonperishable food items for local food pantries — the most in the history of the event. UW-L's classified staff recently received a check for $210 for their help and decided to purchase food items for La Crosse's Helping Our Own Food Pantry. AFSCME Local 1449 Union matched the funds. The group purchased $420 worth of food items for UW-L's Helping Our Own Food Pantry. UW-L's Helping Our Own Food Pantry, in 221 Cartwright Center, is open to all UW-L students. The pantry in Cartwright's Leadership and Involvement Center, offers a variety of non-perishable food items and toiletries. It's open from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. Monday through Friday when school is in session. Students who want to use the pantry, but who are unavailable during these hours should contact the Leadership and Involvement Center staff at 785.6600 or to make arrangements. The pantry is a confidential service; however, students need to bring a UW-L ID to verify student status. No information is recorded or disclosed. Helping Our Own is run by Leadership and Involvement Center staff and volunteers. The pantry is always looking for student volunteers to spread the word. Students interested in this volunteer opportunity, should contact the Leadership and Involvement Center by phone, email or visiting the pantry.

2006 Nobel Laureate in Physics visits UW-L, shares history of the universe and information on the James Webb Space Telescope

[caption id="attachment_14947" align="alignnone" width="770" caption="UW-L Assistant Professor of Physics Jennifer Docktor, photo left, stands by as Nobel Prize-Winning Physicist John Mather answers questions from the crowd during a Sept. 13 evening public lecture in the Skogen Auditorium at Centennial Hall on the history of the universe. Mather, a senior astrophysicist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, discussed how humans got here, how the universe began, how it could have produced an Earth where sentient beings live and how those beings are discovering their history.  People of all ages had questions for Mather during the public lecture. Mather talked about the engineering challenges and scientific capabilities of the James Webb Space Telescope at a Physics Seminar Friday afternoon. He also visited with UW-L faculty and staff and joined students in physics classes. Mather is the 13th Nobel Laureate in Physics to visit UW-L as part of a Distinguished Lecture Series in Physics. Read more about Mather at"]Two photos: Lecturer at podium. Young child asking question. [/caption]

Academic Staff Council 'Campus Kick-Off' event is Monday, Sept. 17

Chancellor to present excellence award to Carla Burkhardt

Join members of UW-L's Academic Staff Council and others at the Campus Kick-Off Event at 3 p.m. Monday, Sept. 17, in the Cameron Hall of Nations, Centennial Hall. Light refreshments will be available at the social gathering. A brief program at 3:30 with the presentation of the 2012 Academic Staff Excellence Award to Carla Burkhardt, College of Science & Health. The award is given annually to a non-instructional academic staff member who has excelled in performance and service. For more information about the event, contact ASC chair Patrick Barlow at 785.6867. For more on the Academic Staff Council, visit

WEA BBQ today at Myrick Park

All education majors, faculty and staff are invited to the Student Wisconsin Education Association (WEA) annual BBQ from 4:30-7:30 p.m. Monday, Sept. 17. The event includes games and food, including vegan options. Check out the WEA Facebook page at

Grant writing workshop set for Sept. 18

A grant writing workshop for undergraduate and graduate students interested in receiving funding for research and creative projects will be held at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 18, in 339 Cartwright Center. Free pizza will be served at 6 p.m. The workshop includes information on how to submit a grant proposal to the Undergraduate Research & Creativity Committee (URCC) or the Graduate Studies Office. Students interested in applying for Undergraduate Research & Creativity Grants must request a URCC grant application (via Google docs) by 4 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 10. To enroll, email . Students who attend the Grant Writing Workshop will be automatically enrolled. Students must complete grant applications by 4 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 17, to be considered. For more information visit Graduate Student Research, Service and Educational Leadership Grant proposals are due Friday, Oct. 12. Find out more at This event is sponsored by the Office of Undergraduate Research & Creativity, the Undergraduate Research and Creativity Committee (URCC) and the Office of Graduate Studies.

Health professions career night to be held Sept. 18

Find out more about careers in health care at Health Professions Career Night from 5:15-7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 18, in 2006 Health Science Center. Professions and programs to be highlighted include:
  • community health education
  • health education
  • clinical laboratory science
  • nuclear medicine technology
  • occupational therapy
  • physical therapy
  • physician assistant
  • radiation therapy
The event is sponsored by UW-L's Health Professions Department. [caption id="attachment_14931" align="alignright" width="400" caption=""The Little Singers," the renowned boys choir of the Holy Trinity Episcopal Cathedral Music School of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, will perform at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 19, at Christ Episcopal Church, Ninth and Main streets."]Photo of choir.[/caption]

'The Little Singers' to perform Sept. 19 in La Crosse

Haitian boys choir to sing at Christ Episcopal Church

"Les Petits Chanteurs," "The Little Singers," the renowned boys choir of the Holy Trinity Episcopal Cathedral Music School of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, will perform at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 19, at Christ Episcopal Church, Ninth and Main streets. The 30-voice choir will be accompanied by a string ensemble from the Holy Trinity Philharmonic Orchestra and will sing popular Haitian folk songs, American spirituals and other sacred and secular songs of various eras. Les Petits Chanteurs, currently under the direction of Jean-Bernard Desinat, is a select group of singers ranging in age from 7 to 18. Over the years, ensembles from Holy Trinity Music School have performed at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C., at Lincoln Center in New York City, at Tanglewood with the Boston Symphony Orchestra, with the Chicago Children’s Choir, and at more than 90 churches across the United States. Retired Music Department faculty member Rob Wessler has made 13 trips to Haiti in the past 10 years to conduct this choir in their annual summer music camp. Admission to Wednesday's performance is free; however, a free-will offering will be taken, with a reception to follow. Parking at Christ Episcopal is limited. There will be a shuttle service available from the parking lot of First Presbyterian Church, West Avenue and Cass Street, beginning at 6:15 p.m. Along with sharing the rich musical traditions of Haiti, the choir is touring to raise donations to help rebuild the Holy Trinity Music School. The Holy Trinity Cathedral complex was destroyed in an earthquake Jan. 12, 2010. Before the earthquake, the Cathedral’s Music School served more than 1,000 students.  Holy Trinity Music School is the only school of its kind in the country and depends on charitable support to sustain its mission of education and music training for children and young adults. For more information contact Wessler at 797.3694, Tom Skogen at 792.3659 or Barbara Rusterholz at 784.4497.

Ally artwork.Ally training to be held Sept. 20

Become a better advocate for those in the GLBTIQQAA community by participating in ally training at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 20, in 331 Cartwright Center. For accommodations, email

International wellness is focus of this year's International Awareness Week

"International Wellness," including the body, the mind, and the soul, is the focus of UW-L' s 2012 International Awareness Week beginning Friday, Nov. 9. The Office of International Education seeks proposals based on this theme. Students, faculty and staff should submit the International Awareness Week Event Proposal Form by Friday, Sept. 28. To find out more stop by the Office of International Education in Centennial Hall 1209  or email David Gardner at

Broadway play 'next to normal' is topic of Sept. 21 presentation

Gary Konas, English, will present "The Bipolar Expedition: next to normal and Its Abnormal Path to the Pulitzer Prize" from 2:30-3:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 21, in 113 Wimberly Hall. The English Department's William J. and Yvonne Hyde Colloquium Series presentation will showcase "next to normal," a small, low-budget Broadway musical centered around a housewife with a mental disorder and unlikely candidate to win the 2010 Pulitzer Prize for Drama. Konas will discuss the show's score, the issues raised, its creators and its innovative marketing to share how "next to normal" became a hit and won America's highest literary prize. The event is free and open to the public. To arrange for disability accommodations, email or call 785.8295. For more information, visit

Animal Collective is featured band at Sept. 21 Album Encounters

The Album Encounters multimedia light and laser show features Animal Collective’s "Centipede Hz"  at 8 p.m. Friday, Sept. 21, in 20 Cowley Hall. Admission is $4. To find out more, contact Bob Allen at or 785.8669. Find out more about the Planetarium.

Sign up by Sept. 28 for Oct. 2 passenger van training session

UW-L's next passenger van training is set for 8:30 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 2, in the Facilities Management Conference Room. The instructor and behind-the-wheel training will last until about noon. To register, contact Troy Cina at 785.8725 or before Sept 28.

Register now for Nov. 3 calculus competition

The First Calculus Competition of UW-L is set for 9:30-11:30 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 3. The top four participants will receive gift cards of $70, $60, $50 and $40 respectively and certificates. The contest will be based on materials of Calculus I (MTH 207). To participate, register by Friday, Oct. 5, by emailing name, major and school ID number to or go to 1013 Cowley Hall. The event is supported by a UW-L Foundation small grant.

La Crosse Water Quality Reports available online

The current water quality report for the City of La Crosse is now online at The city is required to annually provide city residents, including students living on and off campus, with the report. It provides a general description of the water system, services and other activities impacting water quality. For more information about the report or the City of La Crosse water system contact Utilities Manager Mark Johnson at 400 La Crosse St. or call 789.7536.

University Bookstore has computer accessories with UW-L emblems

The University Bookstore just received UW-L emblematic iPad 2 holders, mouse pads and 4 gigabyte and 8 gigabyte flash drives. Stop by the University Bookstore in the lower level of Cartwright Center to purchase these and other supplies. Alumni Association logo.          

Nominations for outstanding alumni awards sought 

Have you kept in touch with your former students? Are they doing amazing work in their communities?  Submit names of alumni you'd like to be considered for recognition at the 2013 UW-La Crosse Alumni Awards Program by Monday, Oct. 1, 2012. The awards program was established in 1977 with the Maurice O. Graff Distinguished Alumni Award. Over the past 35 years, the program has grown to recognize accomplishments of alumni at different stages of their careers. The Maurice O. Graff Distinguished Alumni Award recognizes alumni who attended UW-L at least 20 years ago and have achieved honor and distinction with recognition that extends well beyond the immediate environments in which they live and work. The Rada Distinguished Alumni Award recognizes alumni who have graduated within the last 20 years from UW-La Crosse.  The award honors recent to mid-career alumni who are making exceptional contributions to their professionals and/or communities. The Parker Multicultural Alumni Award recognizes living multicultural alumni who have graduated from UW-La Crosse whose contributions to his/her field have not necessarily received public acclaim. Visit  for more information about the awards program.  Once nominated, candidates must submit their resume, three letters of reference and any additional documentation they wish to provide. For more information, contact the Alumni Association at or 785.8494.   American Flag with yellow ribbon.  

No Eagle Left Behind fundraiser benefit for UW-L alumnus Jason Church to be held Jan. 26, 2013

Donations sought UW-L alumnus Jason Church, a second lieutenant Airborne Ranger for the Army, was serving in Afghanistan when his vehicle struck a roadside bomb. He sustained serious injuries including the loss of both legs below the knee. Friends and former football teammates of Church are hosting a "No Eagle Left Behind: A Jason Church Benefit" Saturday, Jan. 26, 2013, to raise money to help with medical expenses and therapy. They seek prizes, monetary donations, gift certificates and supplies for the event. Donated prizes will be auctioned off individually or as part of prize packages. Individuals and businesses that donate will receive tickets and recognition at the event. For more information and to get a donation form email

UW-L Dining Services logo

Offering choices across campus to meet your craving

Whether you’re in the mood for a coffee between classes, a late-night snack, nutritious meal on the go or a sit-down dinner, UW-L Dining Services can serve it up. Dining services has a variety of dining locations, carry-out stores and coffee shops across campus, including a new location in Centennial Hall. Other locations include Whitney Dining CenterCartwright Center and Murphy Library. Staff also provide catering for any occasion. New this year: check out some familiar spots to grab a bite such as Erbert & Gerbert’s Sandwich Shop and Einstein Bros Bagels — both located in Cartwright Center. Starbucks opens Monday, Sept. 24, in Centennial Hall first floor lobby next to the Hall of Nations, serving a full line of Starbucks products. Students who crave a hearty breakfast into the afternoon and evening hours, can stop in the Flying Star Diner in Whitney Center. Cooks serving up omelets, scrambled eggs and other breakfast and grill choices until 7:30 p.m. Some of the most popular meal choices among students are sub sandwiches, salads and stir fry, says Nori Yamashita, general manager. But classic hamburgers, fries and chicken tenders are also tried and true. Dining Services offers meal plans geared toward students living on and off campus as well as a meal plan for faculty and staff. If you have special dietary needs or just general questions about nutrition, contact Dining Services Dietitian Sarah Nicklay at 785.6480. Nicklay plans to offer special programming on nutrition in residence halls this fall.   Human Resources artwork.

Classified Excellence Appreciation Breakfast to be held Sept. 27

The 16th annual appreciation breakfast for classified staff will be held Thursday, Sept. 27, in Valhalla, Cartwright Center-Gunning Addition.  Food will be served from 7:15-8:45 a.m. Classified staff should have received emails with a request to RSVP. Those who attend should work with their supervisors to ensure office and departmental needs. Permanent classified staff reaching a five-year milestone between July 1 and June 30 based on their length of service date with the State of Wisconsin will be recognized. Those who think they should be recognized but have not been contacted, should email Kathy Ring at immediately. All classified staff are guests of Chancellor Joe Gow. Those who aren't classified staff who want attend the breakfast should send a check made payable to the UW-L Foundation for $11.50 by Friday, Sept. 21, to Ring at 144 Graff Main Hall. Classified Recognition Committee members are Ben Kolpitcke, Cyndi Taylor, Jim Treu and Pam Woods, with assistance from Madeline Holzem and Ring. For more information, contact Ring at

New employees

Jackson Jantzen, Marketing Specialist, Institute for Professional Studies in Education, Sept. 1 Jeffrey Kerkman, Media Specialist in ITS-Academic Technology Services, Sept. 17
In the News label. A summary of some of the stories about UW-La Crosse spotted in the news. "3 UW campuses hope to replace antiquated science labs," Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Sept. 10. ... Buildings with science labs constructed 40 to 50 years ago weren't designed to keep up with expanding enrollments and evolving science, UW officials say. That's especially true as the number of students pursuing science-related fields grows exponentially to match workforce opportunities, and science encompasses emerging fields such as biotechnology and nanotechnology. To meet the challenges, UW-Madison, UW-La Crosse and UW-Stevens Point are proposing a combination of new buildings and renovations costing a total of $260.5 million -- $167.5 million of that in the 2013-'15 biennium ... "UW-La Crosse student dies after getting hit by car," WEAU-TV, Sept. 10. A second UW-La Crosse student has been killed two weeks into the semester... (video clip) "Wisconsin schools again do well in U.S. News college rankings," Blog, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Sept. 12. Five Wisconsin schools grabbed Top 10 rankings in the U.S. News& World Report's 2013 edition of "Best Colleges" released today. The University of Wisconsin-Madison tied for 10th among public institutions. UW-La Crosse ranked No. 4, UW-Eau Claire ranked No. 5, and UW-Stevens Point ranked No. 10 among regional public universities in the Midwest. Alverno College ranked in the top four Midwest schools in the category of "strong commitment to teaching"... "UWEC, UW-L and UW-Stout ranked among top midwest public schools," WEAU-TV, Sept. 12. The University of Wisconsin-La Crosse has been named one of the best public regional universities in the midwest ... UW-Eau Claire was ranked No. 5 among best public schools and No. 31 for overall private and public schools. UW-Stout came at No. 16 for best public school in the midwest ...  

Take Note artwork.

For students

By Charlene Holler, Academic Specialist, Counseling and Testing Center Think of a habit you have! Quick! What was the first thing that came to mind? Typically most people will think of something negative ... nail biting, hair twisting, etc. But I did not ask for a “bad” habit. So, if I must I will ask you what “good” habits you have. Often this takes more thought and ends with students telling me, “I don’t have any good habits!” However, when I ask them if they brush their teeth daily, take showers regularly or wear their seatbelts, the same students respond, “Well, of course I do those things, but I do them without even thinking!” That is precisely my point. Habits are behaviors we do so often they become “second nature” to us. We efficiently do these things as part of our daily or weekly routines. Make a goal to establish efficient patterns of study in your academic life. I would suggest two very helpful study habits to adopt. First and foremost, designate regular times to study. Look especially at your daytime hours Mondays through Fridays and have established times set aside for each subject. And probably equally important is to identify places where you can study without distractions. Find a place where you can get much more accomplished in much less time. Avoid your room or apartment distractions such as your bed, TV, stereo, computer and phone. I would suggest hall study lounges, empty classrooms, Centennial Hall study rooms, lounges in Cartwright Center, and don't forget the obvious ... Murphy Library. What unique places have you found on or off campus that help you focus on your studies? Be aware of the times and places that lead you to say, "I really felt I got a lot accomplished!"

For sale

Extra large dog kennel, airline approved, sturdy plastic with wire gate. Used twice. Paid $150, asking $50. Negotiable. Call 787.1022 or 769.4096 or email Four-bedroom home, built in 1917, historic charm intact. Leaded glass, natural woodwork, hardwood floors, glass and brass doorknobs throughout. Large kitchen island, quartz countertops. Marble fireplace. Three porches. 2-1/2 car, heated, insulated garage with two driveways —  one with old-fashioned drive-through carport. Extra large, private, fenced-in backyard with kitchen and formal gardens, tea house, fishpond and fountain. Two large arbors and pergola. In-ground sprinkler system. Corner lot. Two blocks from Graff Main Hall in La Crosse's Historic District at 1733 King St. $299,900. Call 608.519.1996.  


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