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The A9 Eatery & Employees

Posted 1:55 p.m. Friday, Jan. 24, 2025


Did you know that employees can dine in the A9 Eatery?!

The A9 Eatery offers food free from the nine most common allergens.  If you are an employee and want to dine there, please review the information below!

Planning Your Visit

  • Service hours:  Monday–Friday: 11:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.  and Monday–Thursday: 4:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. 
    • Outside of these service hours, the A9 station is locked. 
  • Meal pricing: Each meal is $10.25 ($10.81 with tax) and includes a full meal at A9, as well as access to additional items in the Main Dining Hall if you choose.
  • Menus are updated daily at the Dine on Campus website. Select “A9 Eatery” from the menu in the dark gray box.
    • Meals include a hot protein entrée, hot vegetables, salads with dressings, cookies, and a drink.
    • Feel free to bring your own drink container or use the provided paper cups. 
  • Meals are served in a reusable OZZI container. To participate, you’ll need to purchase an OZZI coin from either the Student Union Info Desk (cash and card) or in at Whitney (cash only).
    • The cost for non-students is $5.28 with tax.
    • This is a one-time fee: simply return the OZZI container to the designated machine in Whitney, and you’ll receive a token for future use. (The OZZI system can be used at any food location on campus!)

Finding The A9 Eatery

  • Enter Whitney Center through either the East (campus side) or West (parking lot side) doors. 
  • The A9 Eatery entrance is located across from the Main Dining Hall, just past the Women’s restroom. If entering from the East, turn left at the end of the concourse. 
  • Once inside the hall, you’ll see a card reader on the wall to your left. Swipe your staff ID here to enter The A9 Eatery.

Dining at The A9 Eatery

  • You’ll pay the cashier and give them your OZZI coin. 
    • Cash or Staff Campus Cash – Pay the cashier inside A9. (Add Staff Campus Cash to your account by calling or emailing the Card Office)
    • Credit Card – pay the cashier in Main Dining Hall before going to The A9 Eatery
  • To maintain a safe space for those with food allergies and dietary needs, please do not bring food from other areas into the station.
    • We recommend visiting The A9 Eatery first, then heading to the Main Dining Hall if you’d like to enjoy those selections. Just ask the A9 cashier for a receipt, which will grant you access to Main Dining without an additional charge.
    • Jess Harke or any other Dining Manager can help you with questions about the Main Dining area.
  • The A9 seating area is quiet and spacious, facing west at the Student Health Center and Angell Hall. Feel free to relax and enjoy the space for as long as you’d like. 

Questions?  Contact Lizzy Haywood, Assoicate Director for Business & Dining Oeprations.
