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Medallion found near Hoeschler Tower, Murphy Library

Posted 9:14 a.m. Friday, Oct. 17, 2014

Rachel Eigner, a junior from Menomonee Falls, found the medallion after the fourth clue was released.

[caption id="attachment_37099" align="alignright" width="350"]Photo of Rachel Eigner Rachel Eigner, a junior from Menomonee Falls, found the medallion after the fourth clue was released. She found it under a bush on the southeast corner of Murphy Library.[/caption] Last year Rachel Eigner discovered the medallion had just been found as she headed toward Reuter Hall after reading the fourth clue in the Eagle Eye Medallion Hunt. This year after the fourth clue, the Menomonee Falls junior didn’t give up and found it under a bush southeast of Murphy Library. “I found it in about five minutes,” said the excited biology education major. “I didn’t actually think I would find it.” For finding the medallion, Eigner collected the two prizes totaling $450 — a $400 lifetime membership to the UW-L Alumni Association and a $50 gift card to the University Bookstore. Eigner said she started reading the clues when the contest started on Monday. She headed to Special Collections in Murphy Library to help decipher some of the hints, and headed out to search around Wittich Hall on Tuesday and Centennial Hall Wednesday. Eigner focused on Hoeschler Tower after reading Thursday’s clue. She guessed Friday’s clue would direct sleuths to Murphy Library. That’s the area where she was scouring when she spotted the medallion around 4:15 p.m. Thursday. Eigner says the Eagle Eye Medallion Hunt is the only medallion hunt she’s ever participated in. She has, however, done some geocaching. “I really am interested in treasure hunts, they’re lots of fun,” she says. Here are all the clues:

Clue #1 – Monday, Oct. 13

Another year, another campus medallion hunt, Read carefully and don’t fall for a stunt; Gather the subtle hints and decipher the challenging clues, What becomes your main source — you choose.  

Clue #2 –Tuesday, Oct. 14

For more than 40 years on campus he taught, Mixing chemicals, formulas and scientific what not; One of his students became a wizard known throughout the country, Generations of children became a science devotee.  

Clue #3 – Wednesday, Oct. 15

A historic feat in a number of ways, Opened its doors after a 100-year praise; Two auditoriums, offices and classrooms galore, Took the lead in energy efficiency and a whole lot more.  

Clue #4 – Thursday, Oct. 16

The stately look of Old Main, A light to lead you back again and again; Built as a gift from an alum and her family, Keeps you on time in tonality.  

Clue #5 – would have been released Friday, Oct.17

A gateway for knowledge and other information, Used by nearly all no matter what vocation; Don’t take too long to rest as you complete your hunt, Look carefully with a conifer out front.   Here is the key to the clues: Clue #1-The medallion hunt has begun. A variety of sources will help you decide where the medallion is. The mention of “main source” is a reference to the university’s former “main place,” which is near where the medallion is located. “Stunt” is a reference to exercise and sport science program founder Walter WIttich, a sport he championed and where the women’s gymnastics program is located. Clue #2- Refers Milford Cowley, who served more than 40 years as a chemistry department faculty member, for whom Cowley is named. One of his students, Don Herbert, became TV’s “Mr. Wizard. The medallion is in an area close to Cowley Hall. Clue #3- Centennial Hall, which opened following the university’s 100th anniversary, is referenced in this clue. Some of the features in the new academic building are mentioned, along with a reference to it LEED certification, which it received for environmental-friendly efforts. The medallion is in an area close to Centennial Hall. Clue #4- Hoeschler Tower, a 40-foot tower designed to replicate the south entry to Graff Main Hall. The tower also has a replica of lanterns that were lit by alumni in the early day. The tower was a gift from Janet Hoeschler, a 1940 graduate, and her family. The medallion is in an area close to Hoeschler Tower. Clue #5- Murphy Library is referenced in this clue. The medallion is found under a coniferous bush in an area southeast of the library, an area surrounded by Centennial and Cowley Halls, along with Hoeschler Tower.


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