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Fall 2022 Employee Engagement Survey

Posted 8:03 a.m. Friday, Sept. 9, 2022

2019 Fall

The Fall 2022 Employee Engagement Survey will be sent to UWL employees, via email, on September 20, 2022.

Employee engagement refers to the connection employees feel with their jobs, and how invested employees feel in the success of their work teams and organization. Research has found that engaged employees get more satisfaction and fulfillment from their work, are less likely to quit, and are more likely to ‘give their all' at their jobs.

In Spring 2018, UWL employees responded to our first Employee Engagement Survey. This survey is on a bi-annual cycle.  Due to COVID, the survey was delayed and will be presented to employees in Fall 2022.

This survey provides an opportunity for faculty and staff to identify UWL’s strengths and opportunities for improvement as a workplace. As part of the ‘Investing in our People’ strategic initiative, the primary goal is to use your responses to enhance our work lives and UWL overall.

For more information, please visit:
