Posted 2:59 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 3, 2024

Research insights from campus experts can supercharge 2024 goals
If you’re making New Year’s resolutions for 2024, UW-La Crosse faculty and student research and innovation over the past year can provide the knowledge and inspiration to make those dreams reality.
1. Want more self-care? UWL faculty members provide tips to integrate it into your workday.
2. Studying for classes but struggling to make the grade? Learn how to learn with help from UWL’s educational psychology expert.
3. Taking up running? Read this story about a simple running cue you can use to have less impact on your joints.
4. Simply planning to exercise more? Don’t forget to stretch. A UWL study found that passive stretching before a workout can allow your blood vessels to be more resilient to the stress of exercise.
5. Want to broaden your knowledge of history or art? Our faculty help explain topics from Wisconsin Latino history to women representations in public art to international disability studies.
6. Looking for new ways to improve physical and mental health? Try forest bathing. It has been shown to lower blood pressure and a UWL faculty member’s research has shown the health benefits for children and teens.
7. Ready to elevate your projects? See how a UWL art student’s printmaking pieces are entering the national stage and how another student’s research project inspired a more sustainable solution for campus snow.
8. Eager to improve your resume? Consider a fellowship. Read about the transformational fellowship experience of UWL student Marlee Simpson.
Need goal inspiration?
Maybe you haven’t set any goals yet for 2024, but you are ready to be inspired. Read how two UWL students turned an idea into a campus business, how this mother set on a journey to go to earn her four-year degree, and how this UWL alumna’s experience with ADHD inspired her mission to help college students.