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UW-L students collaborate with UW-Madison on grocery shopping mobile app

Posted 7:04 p.m. Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Students in a UW-La Crosse marketing class conducted research on a mobile application designed to reinvent the grocery shopping experience.

[caption id="attachment_23364" align="alignright" width="259"]Assistant Professor Kristy McManus Assistant Professor Kristy McManus[/caption] Students in a UW-La Crosse marketing class conducted research on a mobile application designed to reinvent the grocery shopping experience. The app, developed by a team of UW-Madison students, will be piloted in La Crosse grocery stores this fall. Assistant Professor Kristy McManus’ Promotions/Advertising Management class collaborated with the UW-Madison students to help answer marketing questions about the app. UW-L students investigated how the app would be perceived by various target markets and retailers. Then, they developed an integrated marketing communications plan to target a variety of markets. The app, Fetch Rewards LLC., run by UW-Madison business student Wes Schroll, adds several benefits to grocery shopping. It lets shoppers directly scan purchases into their mobile devices, providing a running tab of the grocery bill and automatically triggering available coupons. It also saves the shopper time at checkout. The app gives grocery stores a new way to appeal to tech-savvy millenials. It also gives consumer packaged goods companies (CPGs) a way to build brand loyalty through a loyalty rewards program. “Most classes do a simulation — marketing something that is fake,” says UW-L Junior Nick Nelson. “This is actually being applied to real life. Wes is going to be looking over our research and getting really valuable information.” Students are excited to see the app roll out and see if any of their ideas were implemented, says McManus. McManus adds collaborating with Schroll was a great experience. “He is really dedicated to the project and making it go,” says McManus. “My students are amazed to see how someone their age can take something to this level.” La Crosse is an ideal test market, since it has a high percentage of younger customers from UW-La Crosse, Viterbo College and Western Technical College, says Schroll. Nelson says he would use the app. His class research showed roughly 75 percent of UW-L students have smart phones, meaning he wouldn’t likely be the only one interested. “I plan on trying it,” says Nelson. “I think this will be a great app.” Fetch Rewards LLC won the $10,000 Innovative Minds Challenge on May 10 at the UW-Madison. Innovative Minds, sponsored by the Madison office of the law firm Perkins Coie LLP, recognizes the top student innovation of 2013 that is best positioned for commercial development. Fetch Rewards, run by Schroll, has logged a year of development.


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