Posted 11:56 a.m. Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Faculty, Academic Staff and Limited Appointees with half-time appointments or more are required to report annually outside activities and interests related to their areas of professional responsibility and for which they receive remuneration by April 30 of each year following Chapter UWS 8.
Faculty, Academic Staff and Limited Appointees with half-time appointments or more are required to report annually outside activities and interests related to their areas of professional responsibility and for which they receive remuneration by April 30 of each year following Chapter UWS 8. When it appears that a material conflict may arise between the personal interests of a Faculty, Academic Staff or Limited Appointee and their public responsibilities, the Faculty, Academic Staff or Limited Appointee shall notify their supervisor or other appropriate administrator by submitting a written statement describing the nature of the possible conflict.
University Staff are governed by Regent Policy Document 20-22, Code of Ethics. When it appears that a material conflict may arise between the personal interests of a University Staff member and their public responsibilities, the University Staff member shall notify their supervisor or other appropriate administrator by submitting a written statement describing the nature of the possible conflict.
Managers and Supervisors are responsible for reviewing the information provided by employees that may identify conflicts of interest and providing guidance on how to proceed. Any time a supervisor is made aware of a potential conflict of interest, whether through receipt of an Outside Activities Report or through another means, the supervisor should meet with the employee to discuss and determine whether a potential conflict may exist. See Supervisors and Managers: Review Process below for more information.
All Staff should annually review Regent Policy Document 13-4 on Institutional and Employee Relationships with Educational Loan Lenders.
- View the Instructions to Complete the OAR Form
- Visit the Conflicts of Interests and Outside Activities web page to find additional OAR resources and guidance
- Contact the UW Service Operations at for technical assistance.