Posted 9 a.m. Wednesday, Aug. 23, 2023

UWL kicks off the school year with New Student Orientation Aug. 31-Sept. 4
More than 2,300 new students and about 350 transfer students will be introduced to life at UW-La Crosse before the school year officially starts Tuesday, Sept. 5. To get them off to a strong start, UWL offers a series of entertaining and informational events that make up New Student Orientation Aug. 31-Sept. 4.
During NSO, all new, first-year students and transfer students are included in Eagle Groups, which are led by UWL Eagle Guides. These guides are experienced UWL student leaders, and they help students navigate through their first few days on campus.
This year nearly 40 Eagle Guides are planning to share their campus knowledge with new students. Some of the common themes they share are to be confident, as well as open to new experiences and meeting new people. A good way to do that is through one of the 200 student organizations on campus, they say.
“College is a fresh start from high school, so be who you are,” says Eagle Guide Carissa Hendricks. “Also, take your classes seriously, but also save time to hang out with new and old friends making memories.”
“It can take time to find your place! Don’t get discouraged if college doesn’t feel like home right away,” says Eagle Guide Faith Radke.
Throughout NSO, students also find plenty of opportunities to meet other new and returning students, find out ways to get involved, and prepare for the academic year.
Highlights of NSO include
- Outdoor Picnic from 4:30-7 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 2, on the Whitney Center Lawn
- Hypnotist Chris Jones at 8 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 2: This UWL alum comes back every year to put on a show for students. A comedian and hypnotist, he has appeared on “America's Got Talent” and managed to hypnotize judge Howie Mandel.
- Class welcome and photo on the football field from 3-4:30 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 3. - All incoming students participate in the annual tradition of forming the Eagle L on the football field with their graduation number.
Faculty and staff: Want to help?
- Volunteer with move in days Wednesday, Aug. 30- through Saturday, Sept. 2. Sign Up Genius Link
- Stop by the various events to welcome incoming students
- Brainstorm ways your department might get involved next year as part of the program. Contact Colleen Schulz, New Student and Family Programs coordinator, with your ideas at