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New resource: ACM Digital Library

Posted 3:25 p.m. Monday, April 11, 2016

Comprehensive information from the Association for Computing Machinery

New Resource: ACM Digital Library (Association for Computing Machinery) ACMDigitalLibraryThe ACM Digital Library is a comprehensive collection of full-text articles and bibliographic records covering the fields of computing and information technology. It includes the complete collection of ACM journals, newsletters, magazines, multimedia titles, and conference proceedings. According to the ACM website, the ACM Digital Library includes:
  • 407,367 Full-text articles
  • 0+ Million Pages of full-text articles
  • 18,000+ New full-text articles added each year
  • 44+ High Impact Journals with 2-3 new journals being launched each year
  • 275+ Conference Proceedings Titles added each year
  • 2,000+ Proceedings Volumes
  • 8 Magazines (including the flagship Communications of the ACM, the most heavily cited publication in the field of computing according to Thomson-Reuters)
  • 37 Technical Newsletters from ACM's Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
  • 6,500+ Video files
  • 594 Audio files
Find the ACM Digital Library in the library's A - Z list of all databases by title, or on appropriate Murphy Library Subject Guides.
