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Grad and entrepreneur finds UW-L relationships key to success

Posted 8:36 p.m. Friday, Nov. 30, 2012

Ryan Johnson chose UW-L primarily because it was close to home. But he soon discovered the university offered many advantages beyond its proximity to Bangor. “Even though you think you are going to small school in a small town, ultimately you have a big advantage because ...

[caption id="attachment_2772" align="alignleft" width="315"]Ryan Johnson Ryan Johnson, ’01, received his bachelor’s degree in business marketing. Johnson, of Onalaska, started out working for Midwest Coca-Cola as a plant executive. Later, he became the first in the La Crosse area to franchise a Quiznos sub shop. Then, he developed his own brand, B.A. Burrito. Stores opened on Copeland Avenue in La Crosse in 2008, and on Losey Boulevard in 2010. He also owns State Room and Howie’s in La Crosse. Photo by Mark Fei.[/caption] Ryan Johnson chose UW-L primarily because it was close to home. But he soon discovered the university offered many advantages beyond its proximity to Bangor. “Even though you think you are going to small school in a small town, ultimately you have a big advantage because, on this campus, we have the most top-notch people who you can have around yourself,” says Johnson. Johnson, ’01, says UW-L faculty and staff were instrumental to his success. He is a franchisee turned entrepreneur who built and branded two B.A. Burrito restaurants and acquired two La Crosse bars, State Room and Howie's. Johnson was the keynote speaker during the UW-L College of Business Administration 13th Annual Take an Eagle To Lunch event Friday, Oct. 19, at the Great Hall of the Cleary Alumni & Friends Center. The CBA Silver Eagles Organization and the CBA Board of Advisors hold the event each year. Members of Silver Eagles as well as CBA faculty, staff and students attended. Johnson addressed students specifically during a portion of his talk. “The constant we have here is great people — great professors and a great college community who is going to help us succeed,” says Johnson. “Use those people. Use those networks.” UW-L professionals made a lasting impression on him. And he still uses his UW-L connections today. “It’s not like you have four years here and then you go off and swim on your own,” he explains. [caption id="attachment_2783" align="alignright" width="360"] Take an Eagle to Lunch is an annual CBA event. Photo by Mark Fei.[/caption] Relationships were important at UW-L and have continued to be important throughout his career. In his first job as an account executive for Midwest Coca-Cola, he developed a relationship with an entrepreneur developing convenience stores. It inspired him to open his own restaurant — first as a franchisee. He opened the first Quiznos restaurant in the La Crosse area in 2004, which set a record grand opening turnout for Quiznos restaurants at the time. “That’s something I’m still proud of,” he says. “In little Onalaska, we were able to top numbers in places like Chicago and Miami.” He opened a total of four Quiznos chains and then sold them in 2010 as he became busy with the development of his own restaurant brand — B.A. Burrito. He opened the first burrito restaurant in 2008, followed by a second shop in 2010. Unlike the franchise operations, Johnson built the “big burrito” concept from the ground up. And he has continued to invest in local businesses, opening the State Room in March 2009 and more recently securing Howie’s on La Crosse Street. Johnson and his employees focus on superior customer service, cleanliness, high quality product and professionalism. They put no limits on their success, he notes. “I want to create the image of something better than I am,” Johnson says. “I want you to think of me as a 200-unit national brand because that’s what I want to become.” The connections and relationships he forms will help him get there, he says. “I have my hands full, but I ultimately I accept these challenges because of the people around me,” he says.

Scholarship recipients honored

[caption id="attachment_2793" align="alignleft" width="555"]Andrew Simon and Evan Zachmann Take an Eagle to Lunch included an introduction UW-L student Andrew Simon, left, who received the UW-L Alumni Association/Silver Eagles Scholarship for $1,000 and Evan Zachmann who received the Silver Eagles Scholarship for $1,000.[/caption] Take an Eagle to Lunch included an introduction of the 2012 Silver Eagles Scholarship recipients Evan Zachmann and Andrew Simon. Zachmann received the Silver Eagles Scholarship $1,000 and Simon received the UW-L Alumni Association/Silver Eagles Scholarship for $1,000. “I have a large family. My parents couldn’t have put all of their children through school. This scholarship makes that possible,” says Zachmann. Zachmann also noted the success of CBA students. In May 2012 CBA graduates scored higher than 94 percent of other business students from universities across the country on a test measuring their subject knowledge in business. “I want to thank the Silver Eagles for providing funding for me. And I want to thank the UW-L faculty and administration. The reason we (CBA students) are able to test in 94th percentile is because of what you do for us,” he explained. Andrew Simon, a senior majoring in business and finance, also thanked the Silver Eagles. “This scholarship will definitely help provide some relief for the future,” he says. Who are the Silver Eagles? Silver Eagles is an alumni organization extended to all CBA or economics graduates who received their degrees 25 or more years ago. The group’s mission is to provide CBA students with opportunities to fully reach their potential and become responsible members of the business world. Associate Silver Eagle membership is open to CBA graduates who have not reached the 25 anniversary year mark, but would like to remain active in supporting the CBA until they reach Silver Eagle eligibility. To join download a membership application on the Silver Eagles website.


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