Posted 8:19 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 15, 2020

Survive finals with help from Murphy Library
Picture yourself studying for finals beside the warm glow of the dumpster fire of a year that has been 2020. It has been a stressful year for everyone, but at least finals will soon be over, and then you can relax with a cup of cocoa while binge-watching Schitt’s Creek for the third time. Until then, Murphy Library has many resources available to help you do your absolute best during finals week!
De-stress Resources – Need a study break to help you de-stress? Try one of the following:
- Therapy animals – We aren’t able to bring in therapy dogs this fall, but you can meet the pets of Murphy Library’s faculty and staff on Facebook ( or Twitter (@uwllibrarian). We will be posting everyday through the end of finals!
- Coloring – Check out these free coloring pages you can print out or color online instead.
- Mindfulness resources – Insight Timer has a wealth of meditation, yoga, and sleep resources, and nearly all of them are free.
- Get active – UWL Rec Sports staff are providing a variety of online programming through their Instagram (@uwlrecsports) and Facebook ( accounts.
- Play games for free online with friends – Visit to play games like Trial by Trolley, Joking Hazard, Chess, and more with your friends or family, even if you currently live in different cities, states, or countries!
Extended Hours – The library will be open later during finals week. See extended hours here.
Study Areas – Remember that masks must be worn when in the library, including in study rooms.
- Silent Study Room – That’s right, this room is 100% silent. It’s Room 12, along the west wall of the library basement. The room currently seats 7 people, and everyone in the room takes a vow of silence, which includes no talking, whispering, cell phones, etc.! Please note, Room 12 is not intended for group study. See below for group study room availability.
- Quiet, Group, and Individual Study Areas – Library seating and study room capacities have been reduced due to COVID-19. Visit our COVID-19 Updates page to see current study room availability. Room 121 on the main floor will also be opened to allow for extra seating.
Research Help – Need help finding a few more sources for your final paper? Are you trying to determine if the sources you’ve found are credible? Get virtual research help from a librarian from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on weekdays during finals.
To learn how to contact a librarian, visit our Reference Services webpage. You can also find library resources for different subjects, courses, or other topics by using our library guides.
Cite Your Sources – Writing up your bibliography can be tricky, but librarians have put together a Citing Sources guide full of tips and resources to help you create your citations.