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SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT for employees, students, parents

Posted 12:28 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 20, 2012

At this time, we anticipate that our university will remain open today. So please use your best judgment in making a decision on whether you can get to campus or safely leave campus if the storm is extreme.

5 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 20

UW-La Crosse is open today. Please see the university’s inclement weather policy for guidelines to use in making your decision about being able to report for work:
 Statements from Chancellor Gow and other university administrators are below.

Wednesday, Dec. 19

For employees—

Dear colleagues: As you probably know, a severe winter storm is headed our way tonight. Consequently, I'm writing to remind you about our inclement weather policy. At this time, we anticipate that our university will remain open tomorrow. So please use your best judgment in making a decision on whether you can get to campus if the storm is extreme. And please see the university’s inclement weather policy for guidelines to use in making your decision about being able to report for work: Please be safe in your holiday travels. I hope you enjoy wonderful times with family and friends! Best wishes, Joe Joe Gow, Chancellor University of Wisconsin-La Crosse ____________________________________________

Residence Hall students —

For those of you who remain at UW-L this week to complete your final exams and assignments, we would like to increase your awareness of the upcoming snow storm that is expected to arrive in the surrounding region Wednesday night through Thursday.  We all need to consider adjusting our plans to ensure safe travel.  If you are able to leave La Crosse early, please do so.  If you are not able to leave early and must remain please know that we will  plan to keep the residence halls open Thursday and Friday to accommodate your needs.   We ask that you communicate with your Hall Director through a sign up at your residence hall front desk if you need to stay late past 10:00am on Thursday. Best wishes as you complete your exams and travel safely! Dr. Nick Nicklaus Director of Residence Life and Graduate Faculty Office of Residence Life

UW-L parents and families —

As you likely know, the weather forecast for the La Crosse area, as well as Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa and Illinois might lead to some changes in break travel plans.  Emails were sent to all students by both the Provost and the Director of Residence Life addressing finals, as well as housing information for changes in travel plans due to weather.  Review the email above so you can discuss options with your son/daughter if they are still on campus for final exams. Have a wonderful day! Jennie Hartzheim First Year Experience Coordinator  


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