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March Policy Distribution, Approved Policy Distributions, and Effective Date Reminders

Posted 8:29 a.m. Monday, March 28, 2022


The March 2022 institution policy distribution includes for comment two revised policies and one revised procedure.

The March 2022 institution policy distribution includes for comment two revised policies and one revised procedure. 

Two (2) revised policies: 

·         SYS 240, Relocation (Household Moves) and Temporary or Indefinite Work Assignments

·         SYS 615, Vehicle Use and Driver Authorization

One (1) revised procedure: 

·         SYS 615.A, Driver Authorization Process and Requirements

Click on the links above to view the drafts and ensure that your feedback is captured for review during the post-comment period.  Comments can include attachments, including word documents and PDFs. Please submit your feedback by Monday, April 11.

Please find summaries of the policies below. 


SYS 240, Relocation (Household Moves) and Temporary or Indefinite Work Assignments

This policy defines and establishes systemwide requirements for the procurement and payment of employee household relocations and costs associated with temporary and indefinite work assignments. Revisions to the policy include:

·         In subsection 6.A.VII., revisions to the fourth bullet point to reflect that employees are no longer required to use specific commercial carriers as the UW no longer has contracts for these services. The UW System instead offers an option to use discounted commercial carriers through the NASPO for relocation moves.  


SYS 615, Vehicle Use and Driver Authorization

The purpose of this policy is to provide UW System risk managers and other applicable personnel with the driving requirements that must be met in order for University officers, employees, or agents to be authorized to use a University owned, leased, or rented vehicle or a personally owned vehicle while on University business. Revisions to the policy include:

·         In Section 5, updated definition of “Authorized Driver” to include that authorized drivers must meet the University minimum driving standards.

·         Updated section 6.A.I.b. to indicate that van training must be completed prior to renting or leasing a fleet van. 

·         Throughout the policy, updated language to indicate how the policy applies to personally owned vehicles.


SYS 615.A, Vehicle Use and Driver Authorization

These procedures outline the requirements for UW System officers, employees, and agents to be authorized to drive a University owned, rented, or leased vehicle or a personally owned vehicle while on University business. Revisions to the procedures include minor language changes to align with the revisions to SYS 615.


SYS 304, Fiscal Misconduct

This policy establishes the parameters for the reporting, investigation, and resolution of instances of fiscal misconduct within the University of Wisconsin System. Revisions to this policy include: 

·         In section 3, scope, removed language suggesting that the definition for “fiscal misconduct” differed in this policy to ensure consistency across policy library.

·         In section 5, revised the definition for “Fiscal Misconduct” to be more comprehensive.

·         In section 6, revised language referring to “university funds” to instead read “State or UW System funds or resources.”

·         In Section 6, added language regarding the confidentiality of reports and investigations of fiscal misconduct.

·         There were no comments on these policy revisions submitted during the review period. 


SYS 308, Budget Transfers

This policy provides direction regarding budget monitoring within the systemwide financial system and the need to adjust institutional Annual Operating Budgets during the fiscal year. Revisions to the policy include: 

·         Added sections 1-5 to comply with policy format outlined in SYS 1.A., UW System Administrative Policy Template.

·         In section 6, updated language to reflect current terminology (e.g., replaced “Red Book Budget” with “Annual Operating Budget”).

·         In section 6, added language to clarify policy on intra-institutional budget transfers, inter-institutional budget transfers, and reconciliation/monitoring.

·         Throughout policy, removed outdated language and references.

·         Moved procedure language formerly captured in the policy into a separate procedure: SYS 308.A, Budget Transfer Process.

·         There were no comments on these policy revisions submitted during the review period. 


SYS 308.A, Budget Transfer Process

This procedure outlines the process through which budget transfers are to be processed, reviewed and reconciled within the system-wide financial system during a fiscal year.


SYS 304.A, Fiscal Misconduct: Reporting and Review Process

This procedure outlines the process through which acts of fiscal misconduct within the UW System are to be reported, investigated, and resolved. Revisions to this procedure include:

·         In section 3, revised the definition for Fiscal Misconduct to align with revisions to the definition in SYS 304.

·         In section 4, replaced “material instances of fiscal misconduct” with “significant instances of fiscal misconduct” to enhance clarity.

·         In section 4.d, added language to indicate that chancellors shall consult with the UW System Vice President for Finance and the Chief Audit Executive when addressing fiscal misconduct violations.

·         There were no comments on these procedure revisions submitted during the review period. 

Effective Date Reminders 

A previously approved policy and its related procedure have an upcoming effective date in the next two months. Please review the policy and procedure at the links below to familiarize yourself with the content that will be coming into effect. If you have questions about implementation leading up to the effective date, please contact the policy owner for more information and clarification. 

·         SYS 1042, Information Security: Threat and Vulnerability Management (effective April 1, 2022)

·         SYS 1042.A, Information Security: Threat and Vulnerability Management Standard (effective April 1, 2022)
