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New doctorate offered

Posted 10:07 a.m. Monday, Jan. 11, 2016

Student Affairs Administration
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Student Affairs Administration Department faculty are working to offer an education doctorate in Student Affairs Administration and Leadership.

Student affairs degree to begin May 2017 Staff in student affairs and enrollment services on college campuses will soon have another option for training and earning a higher degree. [caption id="attachment_44592" align="alignleft" width="267"]SAA offering online doctoral degree in May 2017 The UW-La Crosse Student Affairs Administration Department will begin offering an online doctoral degree in May 2017.[/caption] UWL Student Affairs Administration Department faculty are working to offer an education doctorate in Student Affairs Administration and Leadership. It would be the second doctoral offering on campus. The other is physical therapy. The new doctorate is designed to produce student affairs leaders at the director level and above, says UWL Registrar Chris Bakkum who teaches in SAA. “The nature of higher education is changing and we need to be responsive to that.” Bakkum helped lead efforts on the new degree with Jodie Rindt, chair of the department. The UW System Board of Regents approved the degree in June. The Higher Learning Commission approved the degree in December 2015. UWL’s current SAA master’s degree can be completed on campus or online. The new doctorate will be offered only online and is designed for people who already hold a masters degree in student affairs or higher education and who have more than three years of professional experience in higher education. Program participants will be employed on college campuses and applying what they are learning to their own campus. Student Affairs AdministrationThe SAA faculty have partnered with faculty from UW-Green Bay, UW-Oshkosh and UW-Stevens Point in developing two shared courses that students will complete in order to take advantage of some of the unique disciplinary perspectives of faculty at each of these campuses. Students may also take elective courses from the partner institutions. Currently 90 students are in UWL’s two master’s degree SAA programs, with about two-thirds in the online and hybrid partner program at UW-River Falls. Bakkum anticipates the doctorate will be popular. “We expect to replicate the success of the online master’s degree,” she says. Current faculty will teach the classes. As the degree grows, additional faculty will be added. The department will begin admitting students to the Ed. D. program early in 2017. The first cohort of students will begin classes in May 2017. Approximately 150 Student Affairs Administration programs are offered nationwide, with about 20 of them offering doctorates, very few online. “This degree has great potential to raise the level of our campus visibility and to provide access to a high-quality graduate education for people already working in higher education,” says Bakkum. For more information about the new degree, contact Chris Bakkum at or Jodie Rindt at More detailed information about the new degree will be available soon on the SAA department homepage.


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