Posted 7:06 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 26, 2022

Introducing new name, new look for our monthly alumni newsletter
Shakespeare once asked, “What’s in a name?”
In my view, a lot.
Names are how we categorize and attempt to understand our big, bustling world. They also reflect who we are and what we value.
Think of a child named after a grandparent, a street named after a president, a campus building named after a beloved and impactful educator. Names hold meaning, in more ways than one.
For years, we have referred to our monthly alumni newsletter and our twice-yearly alumni magazine by the same name: The Lantern.
This has led to confusion and occasional mix-ups in our office. Maybe it has confused you, too.
To achieve clarity while keeping in touch with our roots, we are excited to announce the new name and new look of the monthly alumni newsletter you’re reading now: “Light Reads.”
We chose this name for a few reasons:
It calls to mind a lighter publication, something like the Lantern’s little brother or sister.
It evokes a familiar image — the time-honored tradition, started by English professor O.O. White, of hanging a lantern to welcome returning alumni during homecoming.
Finally, it gives our alumni publications complementary but distinct identities — enough of a connection to illustrate their common goals, but enough room for each publication to grow and thrive independently.
We should point out: Only the name and design of the newsletter have changed.
If you’re on our mailing list, you will continue to receive this newsletter on the first full week of each month. (Please encourage your classmates to join our mailing list.)
And twice a year, in summer and winter, you will receive the Lantern magazine and all of its in-depth storytelling directly in your mailbox. (Lantern stories and exclusive content can also be found online.)
As we begin a new year, we look forward to telling new stories under our new name, but with the same commitment to serving UWL alumni, donors and friends.
Thank you for your continued support. Your generosity, achievements and love of our university allow us to share the UWL story across the country and around the world.
Kyle Farris, UWL University Relations Specialist
Feeling nostalgic?
To view past alumni newsletters and magazines, visit Murphy Library’s digital collections and type “Lantern” or “Alumnus” in the search bar.