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Ray Cross talks budget cut, more at campus open forum

Posted 2:15 p.m. Friday, May 1, 2015

UW System president talked with the UW-L campus community Friday.

[caption id="attachment_40821" align="alignnone" width="770"]Ray Cross and Joe Gow in front of group. UW System President Ray Cross, right, visited campus Friday, May 1, to meet with each of UW-L's four governance groups. He also held an open forum for students, faculty and staff in Centennial Hall to talk about the upcoming 2015-17 state biennial budget and more.[/caption] UW-La Crosse faculty, staff and students had questions for UW System President Ray Cross during a campus open forum Friday. During the one-hour meeting, Cross answered questions from UW System communication strategies about the budget cut to shared governance and tenure. “One of biggest frustrations I have, and I think probably I’m not alone, is that I can’t believe how higher education in this country has been devalued in the last 20 years, and it seems to continue to be devalued,” said Cross. “As a kid growing up that was the ultimate. On the poor, small farm I was raised on my dad had an 8th grade education and my mom graduated high school. They held higher education in such high esteem.” Listen online to hear more. Cross also addressed questions about:
  • Sharing the value of shared governance and tenure with legislators
  • Strategies for communicating the UW-System story
  • The importance of students, classified staff and academic staff in the shared governance structure
  • Communication of the budget cutting process, which some say has appeared closed
  • Distributing the cut across UW System in a more strategic way
  • Whether UW System could completely close a campus
  • Concern of spending down reserves to the point that the System has nothing to fall back on
  • The commitment of the UW System to involving campuses in determining what to change and cut


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