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Parking ramp, police building set for construction

Posted 2:19 p.m. Thursday, May 24, 2012

[caption id="attachment_12177" align="alignleft" width="500" caption="Architectural rendering of UW-L's new parking ramp and police services building"]Architectural rendering of UW-L's new parking ramp and police services building[/caption]Construction of UW-La Crosse’s new parking ramp and police services building is expected to start in mid June or early July after the state approves the contractor, says Matt Lewis, UW-L executive director of Facilities Planning and Management. The project includes an approximately 600-space parking ramp and an 8,700-square-foot police services building. It will be built on the gravel lots west of the Cleary Alumni & Friends Center on the south side of La Crosse Street. Crews will continue to build throughout the winter. The ramp is expected to be substantially complete by summer 2013 and open for use by the fall semester. The police services building will likely be complete about the same time or soon after, says Lewis. The total project cost is between $11.5 and $12 million and will be funded by a combination of program revenue cash and program revenue-supported borrowing.


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