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Thanksgiving holiday nears — going home or staying on campus?

Posted 8:03 p.m. Friday, Nov. 2, 2012

Thanksgiving holiday means a trip home for some. Activities on campus for others. And schedule changes.

Thanksgiving holiday — going home

Story by UW-L student Casey Seneczko Traditional Thanksgiving dinner.Students are counting the days to Thanksgiving break, the first lapse in school since Sept. 4. Thanksgiving is filled with family, food and travels. More importantly, it also comes with no classes. “I can’t wait to shove my face with turkey and stuffing,” said senior Brittani Woods. “It’s unfortunate, though, I can’t go home until Saturday night because I have to work.” This is a problem for many other students as well. The break from school is nice but students are picking up work shifts in place of classes. Woods also mentioned that the customer traffic at her job picks up during this time. The more hours she picks up now, the less she will be asked to work during upcoming holidays. Work is not the only concern for students. The cost of and finding travel is another. Going home There is a Ride Board inside the Whitney Center for holiday seasons. And there's Rideshare UW-L on Facebook at is another app on line that students can use to find a driver or rider to get home. Badger Bus Lines picks up outside the Whitney Center. For information on Badger Bus Line, visit Amtrak is five minutes from campus at 601 Saint Andrew St. and has 38 stops throughout Wisconsin and also goes through Chicago. For information on Amtrak, visit or call 800.7872.7245.

Thanksgiving holiday — staying on campus

By UW-L student Ximing Yu Some students at UW-L may not go home for the Thanksgiving holiday. UW-L campus and some residence halls are open during holiday breaks, says Patrick Heise, assistant director of Residence Life. Resident Life staff are here and available to help students who stay on campus. “Those residence halls that are open during university breaks,” Heise says, “primarily Reuter Hall and Eagle Hall, offer opportunities for students to interact through activities and programs.” Some resident assistants coordinate activities, such as celebratory meals during holiday breaks. “The number of students that are here is very low and primarily international students, so these activities may not well known among students," Heise notes.

Thanksgiving schedule

Thanksgiving recess begins Wednesday, Nov. 21, at 5:30 p.m. Classes resume Monday, Nov. 26. Residence halls, with the exception of Reuter, will close at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 21. Access to residence halls will open again at 10 a.m. Sunday, Nov. 25. Dining will re-open on Sunday as well. Class schedule changes Thursday classes will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 20, and Friday classes will replace Wednesday classes on the Nov. 21. For more information visit


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