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Keep addresses current, stay up-to-date

Posted 8:49 p.m. Thursday, March 8, 2012

Staying up-to-date with what’s happening on campus has never been easier! The university’s three colleges each have newsletters that are sent to alumni and friends twice a year. Make sure your postal and email addresses are current to stay connected.

The publications include:

Building Bridges — a printed piece sent spring and fall to College of Business Administration alums and friends. Capstone — a publication that debuts in spring 2012 as a printed piece for College of Liberal Studies alums and friends. Future issues, fall and spring, will be emailed.

  Science & Health News — emailed to College of Science and Health alumni and friends each winter and summer.

Stay in the know by updating your address.


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Submit your news suggestions using UWL Share by no later than noon on Wednesdays preceding the next Monday's edition.

For more information, contact University Marketing & Communications at 608.785.8487.