Posted 12:43 p.m. Friday, Feb. 4, 2022

1C Payroll Benefit Deductions
The 2022 payroll schedule is such that this year, there will be three months in which we are paid three times instead of two. January is the first month that this will happen, so you will notice that some of your payroll deductions will NOT pull on the 1C pay date, February 10. This is because the majority of benefit deductions are divided between the first two payrolls of the month.
The following are the only benefit deductions that will be taken on the 2/10 payroll:
- WRS Contributions
- 403b Contributions
- WDC 457 Contributions
Please see the following for the 2022 payroll schedule:
Please contact us at or (608) 785-8013 with any questions.