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Alumni Association director honored for volunteerism

Posted 7:27 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 29, 2014

University of Wisconsin-La Crosse Executive Director of Alumni Relations Janie Morgan volunteering for the Valley View Rotary’s Book Collection Project 2014. Photos by Brad Quarberg, University Communications, 608.785.8572,
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University of Wisconsin-La Crosse Executive Director of Alumni Relations Janie Morgan volunteering for the Valley View Rotary’s Book Collection Project 2014. Photos by Brad Quarberg, University Communications, 608.785.8572, Read more →

Many alums know Janie Morgan as long-time executive director of UW-L’s Alumni Association. But they may not know all of the other roles she has as a community volunteer. This month she'll receive the YWCA Tribute to Outstanding Women Award for Volunteerism during a ceremony at the La Crosse Center.

[caption id="attachment_4590" align="alignleft" width="300"]Headshot image of Janie Morgan. UW-L Alumni Association Executive Director Janie Morgan earned her bachelor’s degree from UW-L in psychology in 1985 and a master’s degree in education professional development in 1986.[/caption] Many alums know Janie Morgan as long-time executive director of UW-L’s Alumni Association. But they may not know that she regularly delivers Mobile Meals to people who have trouble getting access to nutritious food. The '85 and '86 graduate helped establish a new Rotary Club filled with volunteers who want to give back to the community. She spearheaded a fundraising campaign to support a drug-sniffing canine that stops heroin from entering the Coulee Region. The list of Morgan’s volunteer work doesn’t end here. When it comes to volunteering, fellow volunteers think of Morgan as a role model. “Her heart is so utterly in the right place. She isn’t doing all of this to build up her resume,” says Kate Dunnum, a fellow Rotarian at La Crosse Valley View Rotary. “She loves doing what is good for this community and the people in it.” Morgan’s volunteer work earned her the 2014 YWCA Tribute to Outstanding Women Award. The award recognizes and honors women from the Coulee Region who have demonstrated qualities of outstanding leadership and excellence in their professional and personal endeavors. Award winners will be honored at a ceremony Thursday, Nov. 13, at the La Crosse Center. Morgan started volunteering at a young age. She still recalls the 20-mile walk she made as a seventh grader to raise funds for a community member paralyzed from a car accident. Today, Morgan not only volunteers, but also leads and inspires others to serve in their communities too. When a police officer visited Valley View Rotary to talk about the influx of heroin and other drugs in the Coulee Region, Morgan was listening closely. After the meeting she gathered fellow Rotarians at the door to spearhead a fundraising campaign to buy a third, drug-sniffing canine for the department to fill a gap in coverage. The intent of the Rotary club visit was not to solicit donations, but, thanks to Morgan’s efforts, a big donation was the result, says Rob Abraham, fellow Rotarian and La Crosse assistant police chief. The club raised $16,000 to buy a third canine. “We were extremely happy and grateful,” says Abraham. “It was obviously something outside of our ability to budget for at the time.” Abraham says he’s fairly new to Rotary, a non-profit group that believes in service above self. He says Morgan is a great role model to others in the organization. She’s served as Rotary assistant district governor and her club’s president in addition to being a member of many committees over the years.

Working with volunteers

[caption id="attachment_4591" align="alignleft" width="600"]Image of Janie Morgan standing by a truck full of donated books. Janie Morgan helps collect books at La Crosse Valley View Rotary’s Bring Books event. Books were collected and distributed to area non-profit organizations.[/caption] As director of the Alumni Association since 1998, Morgan works with a team of alumni volunteers to keep UW-L alumni connected to each other and to UW-L. Karla Stanek, who served on the Alumni Association Board for nine years, says Morgan makes it easy to serve because of her long-range planning and excellent leadership. “I’ve served on other boards in the community and I can see what a strong, executive leader she is,” says Stanek. Morgan says she has “one of the best jobs on the planet” because she works with amazing people. She says they include her co-workers in the Alumni Association office, the board of directors and others who serve on alumni committees and help plan alumni events. “It’s been rewarding to meet these people — especially since they have the same passion for UW-L that I do,” says Morgan. Throughout her career, Morgan has managed thousands of volunteers, but what she really loves is doing the volunteer work herself. One of her favorite places to volunteer is at St. Rose Convent where she helps carry out the mission of the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration — to keep praying 24-7. “A friend and I do it together once a week,” says Morgan. “It’s such a quiet, peaceful hour. We pray for people all over the world.” Morgan’s volunteer work is diverse from her one hour a week at St. Rose Convent to serving as a hospice volunteer to helping young women go back to school through Philanthropic Education Organization. One of her first volunteer jobs out of college was serving on the selection committee for YWCA Tribute recipients. She recalls reading over the nomination papers with details on the many amazing women volunteers in the community. “Thirty years later I’m being recognized, and that is very humbling,” she says.

UW-L recipients of the YWCA Tribute Award

[caption id="attachment_4592" align="alignleft" width="700"]Image of all of the women who received the YWCA Tribute Award. 2014 YWCA Tribute Award winners.[/caption] Four UW-L employees received the 2014 YWCA Outstanding Women Award. Read about the winners from UW-L. This year's winners are pictured from left back, Business/Professional Kathy Van-Kirk Przywojski, Activist Andrea Hanson, Professional Support Chris Sanger, Social Justice Barbara Stewart, Volunteer Janie Morgan, Education Debra Murray, Non-Profit Rita Carranza. Front row from left, Health Jean Colburn,Young Women of Tomorrow, Pa Mao Yang, Trailblazer Jennifer Kosiak. Community Service Mary Fitzpatrick is not pictured.


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