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North Korea news & information: 30 day trial

Posted 5:46 a.m. Sunday, Sept. 10, 2017

The library is evaluating NK News, a database of information related to North Korea. Try it and let us know what you think.

NK News ProBased on faculty recommendations, Murphy Library is evaluating the North Korea news and information databases NK News and NK Pro as possible additions to the library's collection of online resources. Use these links to connect to NK News or NK Pro (or find it in the library's A-Z Databases list in the "New/Trial Databases" section) The trial runs for 30 days, from September 18 - October 17, 2017. NK News is an independent, privately owned specialist information source that focuses on North Korea. NK Pro is an independent data and analysis service that includes news, analysis, several databases, various tracking services, and much more. Please share your thoughts about NK News and NK Pro through this Electronic Resources Trial Evaluation Form.
