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Multi-talented Dessa to speak at UW-L

Posted 3:12 p.m. Monday, Nov. 19, 2012

The artist Dessa will give a talk at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 27, in Valhalla, Cartwright Center-Gunning Addition.

[caption id="attachment_17376" align="alignright" width="200" caption="Dessa will speak at UW-L Tuesday, Nov. 27."]Photo of Dessa. [/caption]A woman known for being a writer, spoken word artist, rapper, producer and journalist is coming to UW-La Crosse. The artist Dessa will give a talk at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 27, in Valhalla, Cartwright Center-Gunning Addition. The presentation is free. With a wide-range of experiences, Dessa offers students a lesson about the importance of failure in the learning process and poetics. She will speak as part of the UW-L Artist of Color grant, created to invite scholars and artists of color onto campus to present to students and faculty, broadening their exposure to varying cultures and experiences. For more information, contact Marie Moeller at 785.6928 or If you go— Who: Dessa What: UW-L Artist of Color Grant Speaker When: 6 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 27 Where: Valhalla, Cartwright Center-Gunning Addition Admission: Free


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