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Streaming Video and Audio

Posted 6:21 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 22, 2017

Use streaming video and audio services on your computer, phone, or tablet.

Streaming Video/Audio at the Library Several streaming services are available to the UWL campus community through Murphy Library. These include both video and audio services and can be used on computers or with apps on phones, tablets, and other devices. Films on Demand includes tens of thousands of full length documentaries, educational videos, independent films, and film clips by hundreds of the world’s top video producers. Instructors can embed videos in course pages, create playlists, and create custom clips from any video to share. Like Netflix and Amazon Prime, content is added and removed on a regular basis. Digital Theatre+, funded by the College of Liberal Studies, includes  hundreds of plays, ballets, musicals, and operas from premier theaters such as the Globe, the Royal Opera House, the Royal Shakespeare Company, and the Old and Young Vic. In addition to performances, Digital Theatre Plus includes filmed interviews with playwrights, directors, designers, musicians and actors, offering insights into every aspect of the theatre production enterprise. Naxos Music Library consists of almost two million streaming audio tracks representing more than 120,000 CDs with about a thousand new CDs being added monthly. It also includes music notes, cover artwork, instrumentation and publisher information, libretti and synopses of more than 700 operas, and more than 40,000 composer and artist biographies. The content is mostly classical music but includes some jazz, blues, world and Chinese music. Search@UW, which includes the library catalog and the content of many other databases allows users to filter search results to show only the resource type “Audio/Visual” and also to show only specific genres such as “feature films,” “motion pictures,” and “documentary films.” This search will bring up items in various collections, including Kanopy, another streaming video service with award-winning documentaries, training films and theatrical releases. Like Films on Demand, the content in Kanopy changes regularly. Alexander Street Press, includes streaming video in several subject-specific databases, including Black Studies in Video, Filmakers Library Online, American History in Video and Ethnographic Video Online. These streaming services are temporarily featured on the Murphy Library home page and are permanently available in the library’s A-Z list of databases as well as relevant Subject Guides.
