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A page within Latin American Studies

Director, Latin American and Latino Studies

Omar Granados  Profile of Omar Granados  Office hours

Specialty areas:

Contemporary Latin American and Latino literature and cultural studies, Caribbean studies, film studies, migration studies and literary translation.

Advisory Board Members

Jonathan Borja  Profile of Jonathan Borja  Office hours

Specialty areas:

Flute, Music History 

Alessandro Quartiroli  Profile of Alessandro Quartiroli  Alessandro Quartiroli saysMeet with me  Office hours

Specialty areas:

Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology & Counseling

  • professional training, development, and practice in sport psychologists,
  • self-care and wellbeing in sport psychologists and other professionals,
  • cultural competence, humility, and safety in psychology practitioners,
  • identity in psychology practitioners,
  • performance psychology in esports,
  • organizational culture and wellbeing in sport and health organizations.

Associated Faculty

Jonathan Borja  Profile of Jonathan Borja  Office hours

Specialty areas:

Flute, Music History 

Rose Brougham  Profile of Rose Brougham

Specialty areas:

Spanish American poetry, Southern Cone, daughter-mother relationships, and performance poetry

Victoria Calmes  Profile of Victoria Calmes  Office hours

Specialty areas:

XX Century Peninsular Literature, Film Studies, 2nd Language Acquisition

Enilda Delgado  Profile of Enilda Delgado  Office hours

Specialty areas:

Demography, Social Stratification, Social Statistics and Quantitative Research Methods

Timothy Gongaware  Profile of Timothy Gongaware  Office hours

Specialty areas:

Social Movements, Collective Behavior, Leisure Groups, Identity (individual and collective), Qualitative Research, Popular Culture

David Hart  Profile of David Hart  Office hours

Specialty areas:

Ethnic American literature, postcolonial studies, Caribbean literature, world literatures, cultural studies, folklore, cultural memory, globalization, and critical theory.

Heather Linville  Profile of Heather Linville  Office hours

Specialty areas:

Dr. Linville's main research areas are digital storytelling as translanguaging, advocacy for English learners (ELs), language teacher education, and language ideologies.

Adele Lozano  Profile of Adele Lozano

Specialty areas:

Latinx/a/o identity development and leadership development; student development theory; ethnic cultural centers; qualitative research

Víctor Macías-González  Profile of Víctor Macías-González  Office hours

Specialty areas:

Latin American, Mexican, Latinx histories and history of race, gender and sexuality.  Latin Americanists study the pasts of nineteen different countries in the Americas, plus the Philippines, Spain, and the U.S.A.  I focus on nineteenth-century Mexico, especially the Porfiriato (1876-1911) and the U.S. Southwest. Research interests include diplomacy, transnational migration, Mexican diaspora, consumption and material culture, masculinity, Latin@s in the Midwest, the homophile movement, and LGBTQ+ history of the Midwest.    Service interests include development of outreach programs to increase Latino entry into higher education, graduate, and professional programs, as well as LGBTQ+ public history programs.   I serve on various professional groups in my field.  I chair the U.S.-Canada Organizing Committee of the International Historians of Mexico Conference, serve on the American Historical Association's Committee on LGBTQ Status in the Profession, and on the organizing committee of REDMUGEN, the network for historians of women, gender, and sexuality in Mexico.


Peter Marina  Profile of Peter Marina  Office hours

Specialty areas:

Urban Ethnography, Critical & Cultural Criminology, Deviance & Transgression, Race & Ethnicity, Criminal Justice, Human Rights Policing, Sociology of Culture, Social Inequalities, Travel and Tourism, Urban Sociology, Hispanic Immigration, among other topics.

Timothy McAndrews  Profile of Timothy McAndrews  Office hours

Specialty areas:

South American/Andean Archaeology, Rise of Complex Society, Origins of Urbanism, Sedentary Village-Based Adaptations

Alessandro Quartiroli  Profile of Alessandro Quartiroli  Alessandro Quartiroli saysMeet with me  Office hours

Specialty areas:

Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology & Counseling

  • professional training, development, and practice in sport psychologists,
  • self-care and wellbeing in sport psychologists and other professionals,
  • cultural competence, humility, and safety in psychology practitioners,
  • identity in psychology practitioners,
  • performance psychology in esports,
  • organizational culture and wellbeing in sport and health organizations.

Latin American Student Organization (LASO) Representative