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Department Chair

Kate Parker  Profile of Kate Parker  Kate Parker saysMeet with me  Office hours

Specialty areas:

Literary and cultural studies with specialization in early modern and eighteenth-century texts


Associate Department Chair

Bryan Kopp  Profile of Bryan Kopp  Office hours

Specialty areas:

Rhetoric & writing studies; professional & technical writing; writing pedagogy; science of learning

First-Year Writing Program Coordinator

Darci Thoune  Profile of Darci Thoune  Darci Thoune saysMeet with me  Office hours

Specialty areas:

Writing Program Administration, First-Year Writing, Composition Pedagogy, Feedback, Assessment, and Rhetoric Studies.


Judith Becker  Profile of Judith Becker  Office hours

Specialty areas:

Composition, education, and TESOL. 

MS Education; MS TESOL 

Bradley Butterfield  Profile of Bradley Butterfield

Specialty areas:

Western Literature from Enlightenment to Postmodern; Critical Theory; The Novel; The Art of Memoir

Matthew Cashion  Profile of Matthew Cashion  Matthew Cashion saysMeet with me  Office hours

Specialty areas:

Creative Writing

Susan Crutchfield  Profile of Susan Crutchfield  Office hours

Specialty areas:

Film Studies and Film Theory; Literature by Women; African American Literature; Drama; Disability Studies; The Woman's Film and Feminist Film Theory

Kimberly DeFazio  Profile of Kimberly DeFazio  Office hours

Specialty areas:

Romanticism, 19th Century British Literature, Materialism, Posthumanism, Critical and Cultural Theory, and the City

Rebekah Fowler  Profile of Rebekah Fowler  Office hours

Specialty areas:

Medieval Literature, Arthurian Literature and Lore, Medievalisms, History of the English Language, Early Modern Literature, Ethics and Emotions; Contemplative Practices and Compassion in Higher Education

Ryan Friesen  Profile of Ryan Friesen

Specialty areas:

College composition, Early Modern literature, comic books as social commentary, supernatural themes in literature, dreams as literary and cultural themes. 

Merideth Garcia  Profile of Merideth Garcia  Office hours

Specialty areas:

Digital Literacies, Fan Studies, English Teaching Methods, Young Adult Literature, Qualitative Research, Rhetoric & Composition

David Hart  Profile of David Hart  Office hours

Specialty areas:

Ethnic American literature, postcolonial studies, Caribbean literature, world literatures, cultural studies, folklore, cultural memory, globalization, and critical theory.

Karen Hart  Profile of Karen Hart  Office hours

Specialty areas:

Fairy Tales, College Writing, Storytelling, Trickster Literature, Multi-Ethnic and Multi-Cultural Literature, German Literature, Improvisation in the College Classroom, Theory of Abjection and Eco-Criticism, Literary History of Psychological Discourses, Online Teaching

Sara Heaser  Profile of Sara Heaser  Office hours

Specialty areas:

first-year writing; basic writing; first-year experience; co-requisite course design and curriculum; rhetoric and composition pedagogy; writing placement (multiple measures and direct self-placement); research methodology in composition studies

Thomas Jesse  Profile of Thomas Jesse  Office hours

Specialty areas:

20 & 21c American Literature, Secondary English Education, Poetry and Poetics, Rhetorical Approaches to Literature

Bryan Kopp  Profile of Bryan Kopp  Office hours

Specialty areas:

Rhetoric & writing studies; professional & technical writing; writing pedagogy; science of learning

Haixia Lan  Profile of Haixia Lan  Haixia Lan saysMeet with me  Office hours

Specialty areas:

Rhetoric and Composition

Comparative Rhetoric

Meagan Madigan  Profile of Meagan Madigan  Office hours

Specialty areas:

College Writing 110

Stephen Mann  Profile of Stephen Mann  Office hours

Specialty areas:

sociolinguistics; linguistic anthropology; American English dialects; language, gender, & sexuality; language attitudes & ideologies; folk dialectology

Christopher McCracken  Profile of Christopher McCracken  Christopher McCracken saysMeet with me  Office hours

Specialty areas:

Rhetoric of Science; Writing in the Disciplines; Genre Studies; Professional & Technical Writing

Jennifer Mohlenhoff-Baggett  Profile of Jennifer Mohlenhoff-Baggett  Office hours

Specialty areas:

Composition, dystopian literature, women writers, comparative literature, literature from Latin America and Argentina's Dirty War (1976-1983), creative/satiric writing

Kate Parker  Profile of Kate Parker  Kate Parker saysMeet with me  Office hours

Specialty areas:

Literary and cultural studies with specialization in early modern and eighteenth-century texts


Luke Schaaf  Profile of Luke Schaaf  Luke Schaaf saysMeet with me  Office hours

Specialty areas:

Rhetoric & Composition, American Literature, Mythology

Lindsay Steiner  Profile of Lindsay Steiner  Lindsay Steiner saysMeet with me  Office hours

Specialty areas:

Professional & Technical Writing, Content Strategy/Writing, UX Writing, Usability & User Experience, Social Media Writing, Visual Rhetoric & Document Design, AI & Writing, Writing Technologies, Organizational & Nonprofit Writing, Grant Writing, Qualitative Research, Community Engagement Projects, Internships, Career Readiness, and Collaborative Learning.

William Stobb  Profile of William Stobb  Office hours

Specialty areas:

Creative Writing

Olivia Stoltman  Profile of Olivia Stoltman  Olivia Stoltman saysMeet with me  Office hours

Specialty areas:

First Year Writing, Literature

Kelly Sultzbach  Profile of Kelly Sultzbach  Office hours

Specialty areas:

20th Century British & American Literature, Environmental Literature, Environmental Justice, Ecocriticism, Animal Studies, Climate Literature, Questions of Place and Identity, Law and Literature

Darci Thoune  Profile of Darci Thoune  Darci Thoune saysMeet with me  Office hours

Specialty areas:

Writing Program Administration, First-Year Writing, Composition Pedagogy, Feedback, Assessment, and Rhetoric Studies.

Robert Wilkie  Profile of Robert Wilkie  Office hours

Specialty areas:

Digital and Visual Cultural Theory; Rhetoric, Writing, and Technology; Contemporary Literature and Film.

Louise Zamparutti  Profile of Louise Zamparutti  Louise Zamparutti saysMeet with me  Office hours
Lei Zhang  Profile of Lei Zhang  Office hours

Specialty areas:

Rhetorical and Discourse Analysis, Comparative Rhetoric, Journalism, New Media Studies, 



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