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A page within River Studies Center

Center Director

Eric Strauss  Profile of Eric Strauss

Specialty areas:

Limnology, Stream and River Ecology, Water Quality

Colin Belby  Profile of Colin Belby  Office hours

Specialty areas:

Geomorphology, River Systems, Water Resources, Environmental Contamination, Geospatial Field Mapping and GIS

Bonnie Bratina  Profile of Bonnie Bratina

Specialty areas:

Microbial ecology, Aquatic microbiology, Biogeochemistry

Joan Bunbury  Profile of Joan Bunbury  Joan Bunbury saysMeet with me  Office hours

Specialty areas:

Paleoclimatology, biogeography, freshwater environments

Wako Bungula  Profile of Wako Bungula  Office hours

Specialty areas:

Topological Data Analysis (TDA), TDA Mapper, Computational Topology, Topology

Gargi Chaudhuri  Profile of Gargi Chaudhuri  Office hours

Specialty areas:

GIS, Remote Sensing, Urban Analytics, and Machine Learning. 

Adam Driscoll  Profile of Adam Driscoll  Office hours

Specialty areas:

Environmental Sociology, Sociology of Food and Agriculture, The Environmental Impacts of Agriculture, Online Pedagogy

Jason Freund  Profile of Jason Freund  Office hours

Specialty areas:

Stream Ecology, Fisheries Ecology, Trout Stream Habitat Management, Interactions of Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystems

Laurie Harmon  Profile of Laurie Harmon  Office hours

Specialty areas:

My primary areas of research are social-psychological outcomes of nature-based recreation including how we come to know and get connected to places, technology and the outdoors, and the scholarship of teaching & learning.  I particularly enjoy the work I do using underwater remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) to get youth and adults connected to aquatic environments.

Tisha King-Heiden  Profile of Tisha King-Heiden

Specialty areas:

Reproductive physiology, reproductive toxicology, and developmental toxicology.  

Niti Mishra  Profile of Niti Mishra  Office hours

Specialty areas:

Remote Sensing, Cartography, GIScience

James Peirce  Profile of James Peirce  Office hours

Specialty areas:

Mathematical Ecology and Differential Equations

Brian Pompeii  Profile of Brian Pompeii  Office hours

Specialty areas:

My specialty areas include water resource management, environmental justice, sustainability, and hazards. 

Alysa Remsburg  Profile of Alysa Remsburg  Alysa Remsburg saysMeet with me  Office hours

Specialty areas:

service learning, forest ecology, dragonfly and damselfly ecology, forest and riparian socio-ecological systems, conservation biology

Kristofer Rolfhus  Profile of Kristofer Rolfhus  Office hours

Specialty areas:

Environmental and analytical chemistry

Daniel Sambu  Profile of Daniel Sambu  Office hours

Specialty areas:

Water Resources, Natural Hazards, Sustainable Development, Environmental Conservation, Community Livelihood, Conservation photography

Gregory Sandland  Profile of Gregory Sandland

Specialty areas:

Host-parasite interactions, life-history evolution, disease ecology, invasive species dynamics, mathematical biology, toxicology

David Schumann  Profile of David Schumann  Office hours

Specialty areas:

Fisheries ecology and management, interactions among species, conservation biology, movement ecology. 

Contact me if you have any interest in undergraduate or graduate (MS) research in these fields!

Kelly Sultzbach  Profile of Kelly Sultzbach  Office hours

Specialty areas:

20th Century British & American Literature, Environmental Literature, Environmental Justice, Ecocriticism, Animal Studies, Climate Literature, Questions of Place and Identity, Law and Literature

Meredith Thomsen  Profile of Meredith Thomsen

Specialty areas:

Academic leadership; graduate program support; credit and non-credit outreach program development. Primary contact for thesis/dissertation; graduate faculty status. 

Ross Vander Vorste  Profile of Ross Vander Vorste  Office hours

Specialty areas:

aquatic invertebrates, freshwater ecology, disturbance ecology, community ecology, conservation biology