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Department Chair

Laurie Kincman  Profile of Laurie Kincman  Office hours

Specialty areas:

Stage Management, Arts Administration, Dramaturgy

Academic Department Associate

Krista Shulka  Profile of Krista Shulka

Specialty areas:

Box Office Manager, Webmaster; Publicity Assistant; Recruitment Co-Coordinator

Nic Barilar  Profile of Nic Barilar  Nic Barilar saysMeet with me  Office hours

Specialty areas:

Theatre History
Dramatic Literature
Irish Theatre and Drama

Michelle Collyar  Profile of Michelle Collyar

Specialty areas:

Costume Shop Supervisor, Costume Design, Cutter/Draper

Ashley Dobrogosz  Profile of Ashley Dobrogosz  Office hours

Specialty areas:

Dance, Choreography

David Harlan  Profile of David Harlan  Office hours

Specialty areas:

Theatrical sound

Sound engineering

Theatrical photography


Laurie Kincman  Profile of Laurie Kincman  Office hours

Specialty areas:

Stage Management, Arts Administration, Dramaturgy

Amanda Kolbe  Profile of Amanda Kolbe  Office hours

Specialty areas:

Scenic design, Lighting Design, Properties, Theatrical Electrics

Kathryn Moran  Profile of Kathryn Moran

Specialty areas:

Music Theatre Applied Voice Teacher

Singer/Actor Classes

Music Direction/Conducting

Nate Mohlman  Profile of Nate Mohlman

Specialty areas:

Technical Direction

Structural Design for the Stage


Entertainment Automation

Mechanical Design

Metal Fabrication


Anna Wooden  Profile of Anna Wooden  Anna Wooden saysMeet with me  Office hours

Specialty areas:

Costume Design, Costume History, Makeup Design, Character Design, Costume Crafts, Props, Puppetry, Sculpture